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Trenton Veterans Memorial Library: Proudly Serving the Communities of Brownstown, Grosse Ile, Trenton, and Woodhaven, Michigan.

Fines, Rental DVDs, Loan Periods

Overdue fines, Rental DVDs, Loan Periods for items checked out.

Renew your items, place items on hold here


Adult Materials $0.20 / Day  -  Max $5.00

Teen Materials $0.10 / Day  - Max $3.00

Juvenile Materials $0.10 / Day  - Max $3.00

Magazines $0.20 / Day  - Max $2.00

Compact Discs [CDs] $0.20 / Day  - Max $5.00

DVDs $1.00 / Day Max $10.00

Lucky Day Books and DVDs $1.00 / Day Max $5.00

HotSpots $1.00 / Day - Max: $15.00

Chromebooks $1.00/Day-Max: $15.00

Library of Things Items:

-Board games & S.T.E.M. Collection $0.20/day-Max $10.00

-Items 18+ and requiring a lending agreement $1.00/day-Max:$15.00

-Video Games $1.00/day-Max $15.00

-All other Library of Things items $1.00/day-Max$15.00

Rental DVDs

$1.00 per DVD 

Loan Periods: How long your items are checked out:

Now Offering: Auto-Renewals! Starting October 1, 2020, materials checked out on your card will automatically renew before their due date, saving you time and late fees.

Items will auto-renew if:

1.) The item does not have holds
2.) The item has not reached its limit of 2 renewals
3.) Your account does not have blocks preventing renewals
4.) It is an item that is eligible for renewals

Adult Fiction and Nonfiction --- 3 Weeks

Juvenile Fiction and Nonfiction --- 3 Weeks

Books on CD --- 3 Weeks

Lucky Day Books --- 1 Week (does NOT renew)

Circulating Encyclopedia --- 1 Week

Juvenile and Adult Music CDs --- 3 Week

Juvenile Media Kit --- 1 Week

New Rental  DVD ---3 Days (does NOT renew)

Rental  DVD--- 7 Days (with one renewal)

Newspapers/Magazines--- 1 Week 

Chromebooks/Hotspots---3 weeks (does NOT renew)

Library of Things:

Board games/S.T.E.M./Video Games---1 week (2 renewals)

Items designated 18+ and  requiring lending agreement---3 weeks (does NOT renew)

All other Library of Things items---3 weeks (2 renewals)