Overdue fines, Rental DVDs, Loan Periods for items checked out.
Renew your items, place items on hold here.
Adult Materials $0.20 / Day - Max $5.00
Teen Materials $0.10 / Day - Max $3.00
Juvenile Materials $0.10 / Day - Max $3.00
Magazines $0.20 / Day - Max $2.00
Compact Discs [CDs] $0.20 / Day - Max $5.00
DVDs $1.00 / Day Max $10.00
Lucky Day Books and DVDs $1.00 / Day Max $5.00
HotSpots $1.00 / Day - Max: $15.00
Chromebooks $1.00/Day-Max: $15.00
Library of Things Items:
-Board games & S.T.E.M. Collection $0.20/day-Max $10.00
-Items 18+ and requiring a lending agreement $1.00/day-Max:$15.00
-Video Games $1.00/day-Max $15.00
-All other Library of Things items $1.00/day-Max$15.00
Rental DVDs
$1.00 per DVD
Loan Periods: How long your items are checked out:
* Now Offering: Auto-Renewals! Starting October 1, 2020, materials checked out on your card will automatically renew before their due date, saving you time and late fees.
Items will auto-renew if:
1.) The item does not have holds
2.) The item has not reached its limit of 2 renewals
3.) Your account does not have blocks preventing renewals
4.) It is an item that is eligible for renewals
Adult Fiction and Nonfiction --- 3 Weeks
Juvenile Fiction and Nonfiction --- 3 Weeks
Books on CD --- 3 Weeks
Lucky Day Books --- 1 Week (does NOT renew)
Circulating Encyclopedia --- 1 Week
Juvenile and Adult Music CDs --- 3 Week
Juvenile Media Kit --- 1 Week
New Rental DVD ---3 Days (does NOT renew)
Rental DVD--- 7 Days (with one renewal)
Newspapers/Magazines--- 1 Week
Chromebooks/Hotspots---3 weeks (does NOT renew)
Library of Things:
Board games/S.T.E.M./Video Games---1 week (2 renewals)
Items designated 18+ and requiring lending agreement---3 weeks (does NOT renew)
All other Library of Things items---3 weeks (2 renewals)