How to Get a Library Card
Attention: Brownstown, Grosse Ile, Trenton, Woodhaven residents, business owners and employees: Here is what you need to bring to the library in order to get a library card.
Library cards are available to all residents, business owners and employees in the service area of the Trenton Veterans Memorial Library. Children must be able to sign or print their name on the back of the library card in order to receive a library card. Kids and teens, ages 5-17, must have a parent or legal guardian with them in order to register for a library card.
Standard procedures for library card issuances are as follows:
Juvenile applicants must have a parent/legal guardian fill out a Library Card Application and cosign giving their consent before a card can be issued.
Valid driver's license with current address, state ID card, rental agreement, mortgage papers, or property tax bill.
The first card is free. There is a $2.00 charge to replace lost or stolen cards within the three year period the card is valid. There is no charge for a card that is renewed or to replace an expired card.
If you are 18 or older and live in Brownstown, Grosse Ile, Trenton and Woodhaven (with a valid MI Dr.'s license with current address, state ID card, rental agreement, mortgage papers, or property tax bill), you may apply for a library card via email.
Please include the following information in your email:
Your first, middle and last name
Your address including zip code
Phone Number
Email address
Date of Birth
You will receive an email with information about how to access downloadable titles.